Saturday, January 4, 2020

Hints of Christmas

There are hints of Christmas everywhere.  In the garden of our home/flat genuine holly berries are growing.

At the mall they are roasting chestnuts - a first for all of us! 

All round trees and lights adorn the streets.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Settling in to our new home

We are getting settled into our new place.  It's a very Swiss home - simple, functional, and on a big hill.  Today we reflected a bit and noticed... no matter what continent we are on AJ still enjoys setting a table and Myron loves to play WWII.
Oh... and the dishwasher works great! 
Although I am not sure we are feeding him enough... he loved this Swiss cucumber! 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Flight to Zurich

We made it on our flight... excited and ready for this adventure...
First we ate (and drank)...
 Then we tried to sleep... (yes, Myron is asleep upside down)

 For our layover in Lisbon Portugal we were tired but tried a local treat (a cream tart) and el cafe - um!

 We arrived tired but excited!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Switzerland 2020

We are back... starting our 2020 adventure!
12 bags
9 electronics
And 3 excited folks!
Switzerland here we come! (In about an hour)

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Mama had a conference in Seattle and we tagged along for a little fun… which turned into a lot of fun!

2015-06-06 Seattle 005

Pike’s Place market had frozen fish…

2015-06-06 Seattle 007

fish on stick…

2015-06-06 Seattle 016

and flying fish!

2015-06-06 Seattle 021

2015-06-06 Seattle 130

And don’t forget the view…

2015-06-06 Seattle 028

yummy mussels…

2015-06-06 Seattle 031

and gum… lots of gum!

Next stop the aquarium…

2015-06-06 Seattle 0442015-06-06 Seattle 0482015-06-06 Seattle 0732015-06-06 Seattle 115

Later in the trip we did a little kayaking…

2015-06-06 Seattle 1692015-06-06 Seattle 189

And the science museum…

2015-06-06 Seattle 213

Now that is a lot of chrysalis!

2015-06-06 Seattle 218

Myron loved giant chess!

2015-06-06 Seattle 226

Or maybe he just shrunk.

2015-06-06 Seattle 2292015-06-06 Seattle 2462015-06-06 Seattle 2522015-06-06 Seattle 253

A play ground under the space needle is pure genius!

Next up… sailing!

2015-06-06 Seattle 3462015-06-06 Seattle 3502015-06-06 Seattle 3762015-06-06 Seattle 3972015-06-06 Seattle 411

Myron loved watching the sea planes take off and land.

And no trip to Seattle would be complete without a trip up the Space Needle

2015-06-06 Seattle 4422015-06-06 Seattle 4612015-06-06 Seattle 463

Boeing Flight Museum – Myron was in plane heaven!

2015-06-06 Seattle 5002015-06-06 Seattle 5092015-06-06 Seattle 6142015-06-06 Seattle 6212015-06-06 Seattle 642