Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big Trees State Park

I like when they name State Parks things I can pronounce and understand.  We went camping at Big Trees this weekend and they did have big trees and lots of things to climb! DSC_0011This was the stump in our campsite, so cool for climbing… and I did a lot of climbing on this trip.  I climbed on stumps…

DSC_0024I climbed on fences…

DSC_0032I climbed on more fences…

DSC_0042I climbed on rocks (and yes this is as dangerous and it looks)….

DSC_0043Dada taught me a thing or two about climbing.  Like how to climb backwards…

DSC_0046And how to reach the water with my hand instead of jumping in it…


DSC_0055 While climbing a ‘cliff’, we saw a Masticophis lateralis lateralis or as Mama calls it  a California Striped Racer.

DSC_0056We all enjoyed climbing by the river.

DSC_0075And not to worry, I did eventually find water to splash and stomp in…

DSC_0077But then I got naked van time… yipee!

DSC_0094Did I forget to mention they have big trees…

DSC_0099really really big trees.

DSC_0100 And even while walking on flat land I did find something to climb (and yes that thing behind me that looks like a cliff is a tree).

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