Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The BIG Move

As most of you know, we made the big move to Indiana.  I am sorry to everyone we didn’t get to say goodbye to but the last few weeks proved to be challenging. We’ll be back soon and will pass around the hugs then.

20121002_085635The big move started with a huge semi truck!  They made me an honorary mover (I guess the rookies are always in red).

They packed up our home in no time and then we got to play in an empty house – it was awesome!

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Then we hopped on a plane (or rather clumsily moved with our 12 bags through the airport and cried when we had to leave Jenna, Carline, and Lucy).

Charm Necklaces

Me and Caroline with ‘best friend’ charm necklaces.

The pilot seems to know this was a special flight for me and let me play in the cockpit for a long time!  I must have pushed 20 buttons and pulled all the levers!


Then we got to play in another empty house!  I don’t know why Mama says moving is stressful… I think it is fun!

2012-09-22 Move to Indiana 097My room with my new rocket bedding set!

2012-09-22 Move to Indiana 100Then the big rig came to our home in Indiana and they brought all my toys!

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So far, the best part of Indiana – bike riding!  Mama said I can ride my bike as much as I want in the driveway.  And I have everyday since our arrival!

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