Myron is steadily learning new words. He loves watching the sign video his buddy Ivan sent.

He now says: upa (up), eeesss (please), shhh (with finger to mouth for quiet), mama, dada (he still mixes these up but it is confusing when he is with mama she calls for dada and when he is with dada he call for mama), hot (pretty much all food is 'hot'), ball, nnnn (nose or knee), help (sign), more (sign), who who (for what does an owl say), hah hah (with tough out, for what does a dog say), bird (sign), ah dah (all done), and the other night he copied me and said 'wah at' (what's that?). Oh and I can't forget, nah nah nah nah (no), he's been using that one a lot and es (yes).