Myron was waving his arms, saying “rurrrrrr” and walking around the yard.
Mama: Are you an airplane Myron?
Myron: No, I’m a garbage truck..(Then he starts to move backwards) beep… beep… beep
Mama & Dada: LOL!
Myron was waving his arms, saying “rurrrrrr” and walking around the yard.
Mama: Are you an airplane Myron?
Myron: No, I’m a garbage truck..(Then he starts to move backwards) beep… beep… beep
Mama & Dada: LOL!
Mama and Dada are very happy with my new skill, I can put the train tacks together all by myself! Never mind that some are track side down, the important part is that they fit together!
Some say let is snow… I say let it rain! I love my backyard lake!
Did you now a water nozzle doubles as a microphone? Myron charmed us with his rendition of ‘It’s raining it’s pouring’ which goes something like “It’s aining oring old man noring”
(first words out of his mouth) “where is the big bug? Mama”…”Michelle get big bug”….”Big bug in garage”… (I think he had a bad dream)
(cuddling in bed) “How was your day? Mama?”
“Dada, I peed. I peed in choo-choo potty”
Myron:“Balah” (sticking tongue out)
Mama: “Balah,Balah,balah”
Myron:“No mama”…“Balah”
Dada: “Balah”
Myron: “Yeah, good job, Dada”
Myron: “dat funny mama?”
Myron was eating an almond and decided he didn’t want it anymore, so he spit it out on the chair. I said “Myron Miller do not spit on the chair, Let’s go and get a wash cloth to clean it up”. We proceed to get the washcloth Myron said he was sorry and we cleaned it up. Then he wanted to tell dada, I said “Okay, tell dada what happened.” He looked at dada and said with much excitement “Mama said Myron Miller”
Doctor’s office waiting room, Doctor’s examine room, Myron’s little blanket, Myron’s big blanket, The blue blanket, Myron’s badger and snowman shirts, Myron’s pants, Myron’s diaper, Mama’s shirt, Mama’s pants, The couch, Mama and Dada’s bed and six towels
Answer: All things I threw up on yesterday – what a day :(
The Easter bunny must be some kind of hippy. How do I know? My basket was filled with cookies, boiled eggs, almonds and a kite.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the cookies, liked coloring and cracking the eggs, ran all over the house with the kite and loved the almond container but where’s the chocolate?
I went on my first egg hunt last weekend. What a fun concept. Bring a basket, fill it up, dump it and fill it up a again.
I met the Easter bunny but was not a big fan.
Now for opening the eggs, first you crack it on the table…
Oh, these are special eggs they have another little egg inside and it’s chocolate! “nother egg, Mama, nother egg”