Friday, May 28, 2010

Goodbye Cyndi

Today was my last day at Cyndi’s house.  I went with Mama to pick out a special treat – donuts!

DSC_0292I get the one with sprinkles on it! 

New Tent


DSC_0287Yes, Myron loves the new tent!  It’s a little too cold to use it in the mountains yet but in our backyard it is just right!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Muir Saturday

We spent Saturday in Muir Woods and Muir beach – what an adventure!

Muir Saturday 030Myron sitting inside an old red wood log.

Muir Saturday 043Dada and Myron sitting on a little bridge, Myron was getting cuddly and ready for nap.

Muir Saturday 055 He fell asleep on the trail and slept through two transfers…

Muir Saturday 056 and napped on the ground.  So cute! 

Muir Saturday 064After an almost-out-of-gas car trip, we ended at Muir Beach.

Muir Saturday 067The water was cold, but I didn’t care, Dada and I splashed in them for a long time.

Muir Saturday 097And we got a family picture – everybody “roar” at the camera!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Whole Earth Festival

For Mother’s day we ate cinnamon bread French toast, yummy!  And went to the Davis Whole Earth Festival (a.k.a., Hippy Fest 2010).

BBQ 010It was great, I drove a bus….

BBQ 011Sat in a vibrating ‘energy’ star, danced to music, climbed the hay stacks…

BBQ 019 and got a shoulder ride from Dada (was it Mama day or Myron day?)

Happy Mother’s Day

I tip my hat to all the Mama’s out there – your great!

BBQ 004

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This either means he really wants a puppy or….

clip_image001we need to teach him about the problems of mixing water and electricity (or may be both!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

How to fall asleep

Myron: You okay dada? You okay mama? I a crab. I a crab. I a crab mama. I a crab. I a monster crab mama. Mama, I a monster crab. I a monster crab. I a monster crab.  I a monster crab. Mama I a monster crab. Monster crab.  Dada I a monster crab.  I a monster crab. I a monster crab.

Mama: Good night Myron

Myron: I a monster crab

Mama: Good night monster crab

(and he rolled over and fell asleep)