Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Ride

For Christmas Mama and Dada got a new backpack.  One that can hold me!  I love my new ride!

photo 2


Myron arrived at his first official dentist appointment and the first thing he asks “Do you give shots here?” One of his books called “just going to the dentist” has a ‘shot’ scene.  She reassured him they did not give shots and he went on his merry way.  He had a great visit and on our way out, he approaches another little boy who just took a seat in the chair and told him… “They don’t give shots here” (in a very excited voice).  The whole room broke out in laughter! 

Then he went home and played dentist with Caroline and his babies.  The babies went to the dentist with shots and he and Caroline when to the dentist with no shots. :)

Big Words

As Myron grows he takes on bigger and bigger words… some successfully… and others… well here are some examples…

Myron: My boat has compellers (I think this a cross between computers and propellers)

Myron: I’m a tyrannosaurus rex and I have a mental toe (middle toe)

Myron: He is familyus? (famous)

Myron: I am a head butter shark (hammer head shark)

Myron: ganic field (organic fuel)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Muir Sunday

The next day (of our Birthday weekend) included Muir woods, muir outlook and muir beach.  I don’t know this Muir guy but I sure love his places.

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 284 cropWe started with a family photo.

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 302And then I showed everyone how ‘big’ the trees are.

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 329Then we went to Muir Outlook… for some reason Mama always wants to hold me when we are out on the cliff (go figure).

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 356Next stop was Muir beach… and we found a fossil!

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 401 And some chilly waves.

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 436

We end the day, watching the sun go down.

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 486I ended the day tired but still ‘responsible, sustainable, adorable’.

and Frank too!

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 036

The first present I opened was Frank (a combine tractor from the movie cars).  We was with me the whole day (and still is a daily favorite!).

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 116 Frank opened presents with me….

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 156played in the sand with me….

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 181ate dinner…

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 194and helped me blow out my candle.

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 209And of course helped me eat my ‘smoosh cake’.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Birthday for Grace and I

Grace and I were together for our Birthday.  We were the best of cousins on this trip (well, mostly).  I turned ‘big boy 3’ and Grace turned ‘little girl 2’

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 079We hugged (a lot) …

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 041We ate cookies…

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 130We biked…

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 156Played in the sand…

2011-01-27 Myron & Grace Birthday Weekend 2011 203 and ate cake… what a day!