Nana few in from FL and we were off to Yosemite. I loved playing with Nana and Yosemite was beautiful…

Are we there yet? Nope just a road side break… but still pretty.

We made it! But it’s a little chilly… little did we know what was headed our way…

The deer here are brave… very brave… one come so close to me that Dada Mama had to step in… a little scary but cool!

Views from our first campsite. That’s Nana and me across the river.

It was a cold night… and we woke up to snow!

Views from our second campsite.

But even with snow… it’s never too cold for Smores.

It was another cold night… but we all survived.. and the next day we hiked up to mirror lake.

I loved this hike…. and climbing on everything in sight!

Don’t worry Mama or Nana were always there to catch me when I was a little too brave.

We were mighty rock climbers!

So this is why they call it mirror lake…

Another cold night… so we decided to leave a day early… it rained and rained but that didn’t stop us from enjoying one last day at Yosemite.

Some of my favorite parts of the trip… nana, hot coco, and riding the bus!

On our last day we did a soggy walk through Happy Isles. 
We still managed to have some laughs…

and seek out some adventure.

Bye Yosemite!
Our trip home was uneventful… we avoided the ‘chains required’ roads and mad it back just in time for bed.