My first prickly pear (cactus fruit). We found two on our walk to Trader Joes, one with prickles and one without! I wasn’t brave enough to eat them but I enjoyed cutting them open.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Space Shuttle
Today we saw a space shuttle! It was on top of a 747 on it’s way to a museum in LA. This is it’s last flight.
(And yes, that is my son in pig tails – he wanted ‘fancy’ hair today)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Papa and Grandma
Papa and Grandma are in CA
and I love it!
I introduced Papa to green food…
and crazy long straws…
no really… I mean crazy long straws.
Grandma tried her first wine tasting.
And I picked out new ‘fast’ shoes.
We ended out time together with a birthday wish for all the birthday’s we’ve missed this year.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Being Born
Myron: “Mama tell you about how I was born”
Mama: “Okay, it was a cold winter day in Wisconsin…” (I started our routine story about the day he was born)
Myron: “No not that story… Did they cut me out and sew you back up or did you push me out?”
Mama: (Pause… minor internal freak-out) “I pushed you out honey”
Myron: “oh, okay”
Friday, September 7, 2012
Airplane Play
Myron: “This is the Mama Airplane… and she’s the baby airplane”
Myron: “Time for baby to nurse” (and moves the baby airplane under the mama airplanes wing)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Papa and Grandma
Papa and Grandma are in CA, so we took them on one of our favorite day trips: Murphy’s and Big Trees.