Thursday, June 23, 2011

The concept of a recipe

As we sat down to have a smoothy for breakfast…

Myron: I don’t want it to taste different.

Mama: Oh, does Mama’s taste different than Jenna’s?

Myron: Yeah, why is yours different mama?

Mama: Because Jenna follows a recipe.

Myron: Recipe makes it good mama… what’s recipe?

Mama: It’s directions on how to make something you eat.

Myron: Mama you need recipe!

(Just as I thought my son was joining the ranks of my recipe-urging friends….)

Myron: Mama you should buy recipe.

Mama: LOL…Oh, honey mama doesn’t need recipes I have all the directions right up here (point to my head)

Myron: (thinking for a moment) Oh, that’s good Mama… but I like Jenna’s head recipe better.

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