Monday, July 11, 2011

Dinosaur Party!

Mama and I celebrated our ages this weekend.  I turned 3.5 and Mama 35.  I love parties!  Mama let out her inner Martha for this one…

2011-07-09 Mama is 35 002

We had dinosaur garland, hats, bags, napkins, plates, cupcakes, fossils and dinosaur eggs!

2011-07-09 Mama is 35 0042011-07-09 Mama is 35 007

I spent much of the party with my new best bud Declan… we dug for fossils together…

2011-07-09 Mama is 35 017

and did several inspections…rode our ‘bikes’, jumped, hid, and ate cupcakes together!

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I was very fond of my new magnifying glass… it even helped me find dinosaur eggs…

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Inside the egg was a dinosaur too! 

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Thank you everyone for making the party sooo fun… I told Mama I want another party tomorrow.

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