Friday, August 19, 2011

Bunny Gummy’s

Six months ago we attempted to ‘bribe’ Myron with bunny gummy treats at swimming.  He had a new teacher and was not following her directions, we explained “If you listen to the teacher, then you’ll get bunny gummys”.  It didn’t work… so we dropped the ‘bribe’ tactic and just muddled through the new teacher transition.  He is now doing great in swimming and really loves it.

This morning… (completely out of the blue)

Myron: Mama you need to give me Bunny Gummy’s today because I am going to listen at swimming.

Mama: Oh… okay….

Myron: Yeah… and you need to remind Daddy to bring the Bunny Gummy’s so that I can get them after swimming when I listen…

Mama: LOL

I guess the Bunny Gummy’s bribe did work (a little late)… and Myron clearly gets Mommy’s reminder roll ;)

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