Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Myron turns 4!

How is it possible that my baby is 4 years old.  He is now officially a little boy. I can no longer call him, a baby, a toddler, or a little one.  He is (and loves being) a big boy now.

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One of the perks of Myron’s birthday is that Mama spent the whole day at school with him.  He (and Mama) loved it.  We started with some climbing and pretend boat play…

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We then went on a little walk past the garden… (above Myron with Miss Ashley)

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and then more climbing… we ended his school day with a special ceremony and bee pretend play.

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Next came presents… and lots of them… he started with presents in CA… then a party in FL… and then more presents when we returned home.  It was more of a birthday week than a birthday.

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